You want to improve your marketing knowledge and you want to level-up your internal comms on staying up to date with industry news. But you’re unsure of which digital marketing publications are best to check in on, on a regular basis.
With digital marketing evolving as quickly as it is, staying informed is vital to your brand’s success. Whether you’re looking for organic search algorithm updates or the latest PPC tools, we’ve got you covered with where you can find this information.
Check out our list of top 7 publications:
Search Engine Roundtable
This is one of our go-to publications for SEO-specific information. This publication is always one of the first to report on algorithm updates. The analysis this publication goes into is also incredibly helpful, due to the level of detail and research they do around updates.
Moz Blog
The Moz Blog is another one of our favourite publications, due to the level of detail they go into within their articles. They are an amazing learning resource for any level of SEO, and their regular fresh content is helpful in terms of delving into specific issues that any SEO might come across.
Search Engine Journal
This publication is great both from an SEO and PPC perspective. Whilst it also provides updates on algorithm updates, it also goes into detail on new tools and updates to platforms such as Google Analytics and Google Ads. It is really useful to get up-to-date information on how such tools are evolving and how, in turn, digital activity needs to adapt to these changes.
Social Media Today
Social Media Today does what it says on the tin – it provides information about social media. From platform algorithm updates to new tools, this is the place to get information on the channel. You will also find a lot of information on new tactics and things to try for your business. Whether you’re new to social media or you’ve been working in this channel for a while, the publication has lots of helpful information.
Adweek is a helpful publication to visit on a regular basis for broader marketing updates. This is where you’re more likely to find interesting and creative campaigns that have made the news as well as broader industry news that might impact your business. Whilst Adweek has information on Performance Marketing, it also has information about Brand Marketing and Commerce. It’s a great place to get broader/larger ideas.
HubSpot Blog
The HubSpot blog is a great place to get information on the broader digital marketing mix. This publication is great to get new ideas for channels such as social media. It’s a great place to dig into tactics that haven’t been tied yet. You can get ideas to improve business growth here, that other publications may not have explored yet. It’s also a great place for people who are in more junior digital marketing roles looking to learn more.
MarTech belongs to the Third Door Media group, as does Search Engine Land (another PPC & SEO publication). It’s another one of our favourites because it goes into more channels than SEL does. Again, the level of information and detail that this publication goes into is very helpful in terms of technology updates. The publication also provides information that is helpful for different levels of marketers.
In summary…
Staying on top of industry news is vital to ensuring success for your brand. It’s important to know about what is happening in the broader industry from a brand or marketing perspective. It is, however, equally important to know what is going on within different platforms from an algorithmic and technical standpoint. Knowing whether technologies have been updated or algorithms have changed will help you adapt your activity accordingly.
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